Linda Raczak

[She / Her / Hers]

Attn: Linda Raczak, FCURP


1911 S. Indiana, 6th Floor #606

Chicago, IL 60616

Educational/Professional Background

Ms. Raczak joined the Foster Care Utilization Review Program as a Research Data Analyst in 2015. She earned her bachelor’s degree in criminology from Indiana State University. She has over 30 years of child welfare experience in direct service provision (residential and foster care) and quality assurance. She has extensive and diverse expertise in child welfare, direct practice and quality assurance. Currently, she supports the child welfare community in the achievement of positive safety, permanency and well-being outcomes for the children and families through the provision of project management, training and technical assistance to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and private sector partners.

Research/Practice Interests

Ms. Raczak’s current research and practice interests are focused on foster care placement decision-making which includes studying the effects of multiple moves on children.