Satomi Wakita, PhD

The Children & Family Research Center

School of Social Work, University of Illinois

100 Trade Ctr Dr, Suite 304

Champaign IL 61820

(217) 333-7177

Educational/Professional Background

Dr. Satomi Wakita holds a master's degree in Consumer Sciences and a Ph.D. in Agricultural and Consumer Economics, with concentrations in family and consumer economics, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Prior to joining the Children and Family Research Center at the School of Social Work, she served as the project coordinator for the Illinois Assessment and Accountability Project in the Department of Educational Psychology at UIUC. She also previously worked as a research data analyst at the Center for Prevention and Research Development at UIUC.

Research/Practice Interests

Dr. Wakita's research interests include the design of survey instruments, performance measurement, program evaluation, and the use of data to improve child welfare.

Current Projects

Dr. Wakita currently is a member of data analysis team for the annual Monitoring Report of the B.H. Consent Decree. She also assists researchers with research methodology at the Center.