Data Center

End of the Year Placement Types

Placement types for children in substitute care at the end of the fiscal year.

Change Measure See Data in Charts Download Master CSV

Data extracted on March 31, 2024.

Macon County Placement Type
Home of
Foster Home
Foster Home
Foster Home
Emergency Shelter or
Emergency Foster Home
Group Home Institution Total Children in Substitute Care at End of Year
N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
2017 4011.3%21159.6%4913.8%298.2%10.3%61.7%185.1%354
2018 5816.5%21561.1%4813.6%185.1%00.0%92.6%41.1%352
2019 9321.3%27262.4%4610.6%214.8%00.0%40.9%00.0%436
2020 5311.8%31570.0%6213.8%204.4%00.0%00.0%00.0%450
2021 9520.1%30664.7%5010.6%224.7%00.0%00.0%00.0%473
2022 8417.8%31566.7%5211.0%214.4%00.0%00.0%00.0%472
2023 9318.6%31863.7%5911.8%295.8%00.0%00.0%00.0%499
2024* 10221.6%28760.8%4710.0%367.6%00.0%00.0%00.0%472

Note: For county-level data, if you are interested in breakdowns of race, age, and gender, please email